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Oh my god, does she ever shut up?











2nd: Six month letter to Riley


1st: Five months old | 3rd: Giving in to Starbucks | 6th: Writer, interrupted; solid food | 9th: The toughest job| 10th: iPhoto contents as of late | 13th: A slightly different form has emerged | 14th: A Valentine for YOU! | 15th: Disease strikes | 16th: Sleeping in, grey hairs | 20th: Porn references and (unrelated) photos | 22nd: My embarrassing compilation tape, punch-drunk love | 24th: It should be nice when it is done | 27th: I am sometimes a sad rock



2nd: Foam padded bras, oh so hot | 3rd: Four months | 6th: Back at work and daycare | 9th: Thank god I'm not at Macworld | 12th: My week in JB's absence | 16th: Dog sends an Evite, boy rolls over | 19th: Assessment | 22nd: Prudent spending | 25th: Cats eat people starting with the nose | 27th: Annoying and miraculous | 30th : Advice for new parents



3rd: Snow day! | 5th: Do the best you can, right? | 7th: Avert your gaze, please 9th: More photos | 12th: Hitting the road babystyle | 20th: Home from Oregon | 21st: Can't we all...you know | 22nd: Riley and his Edvard Munch cry-bomb | 26th: Merry, yes, merry and bright | 28th: A horrible confession | 31st: What are you doing New Year's, New Year's meme


2nd: Rocket Maaaaan | 7th: You must acknowledge the haircut | 8th: Goes on like lotion, yet dries to a powder 10th: Hello, size 12 | 15th: I admit my evening entertainment is lame, except for Jenga | 18th: Questions and photos | 21st: Angry beavers and King Kong | 22nd: Did you poop your pants? | 28th: Ah yes, the Slug Trail El Dorado | 30th: Three months, new camera


3rd: Vocalizing with Bauhaus | 6th: Photos of the babe | 7th: MAGIC DIAPER IS FILL WITH POOP | 11th: The fifth S is for Suck | 13th: Some firsts | 18th: I kicked a midget in the nads, sort of | 24th: These days I do it one-handed | 30th: Two months: beware my love-shrapnel


2nd: Introducing Riley William, born 8/31 | 4th: The birth story | 6th: Life as we know it | 12th: Baby blues | 14th: Postpartum HOTNESS and baby farts | 16th: I am talking way too much about my boobs | 19th: ...frankly, some of us may not have washed our hair in over 48 hours | 21st: Yes, we sing AC/DC to the child. Why? | 26th: Of wills and gene pools | 27th: Child-rearing incompetence; laundry | 30th: One month old


1st: Operation Enduring Storage Space, a baby shower, a shaved Dog, and happy birthday to JB | 4th: Dear Chasey Lain, I wrote to explain... | 9th: My heart is ready | 10th: Some embarrassing defensiveness and a note to 8-weeks-pregnant me | 14th: Weekend pictures and the very large belly | 17th: The cleaning people know about my "sex wedge" | 20th: Maternity shows and ice cream | 23rd: Life at 36 weeks; I find part of this amusing in retrospect, guess which part? | 25th: I declare how glad I am that my doctor isn't a fan of inducing, HA HA HA


6th: Vacation photos and bear doodie | 10th: 30 weeks | 13th: Tell me, am I covered in warts?| 18th: D.P. = porn? | 20th: We are too immature for childbirthing class | 25th: Sexy symptoms to date, photos from Alki Beach | 27th: How I spend my evenings and a 32-week belly shot


2nd: Now with extra snout | 9th: Let the sun shine in, DAMMIT | 13th: Go away and don't come back | 15th: Bloated finger potpourri | 17th: Mmm...scrappy | 20th: Tourette's weather, self-tanner, and "ok, what time?" | 22nd: Hubris: tastes like chicken | 27th: Birth tour x2 | 28th: Meet the bebe | 30th: Off to blow shit up in front of a river


1st: ...the miracle marches on | 3rd: Vacation, all I ever wanted | 10th: Hawaii, and Riley | 12th: Snot, an ultrasound photo, and a fruited plane | 17th: May showers, TDA | 19th: Ashely fought! For justice! | 24th: The pain in my ass | 27th: My body image is too hot | 31st: Holiday weekend recap, including cat barf


1st: Growth, physical but not emotional | 4th: Man sauce, in my mouth | 7th: Goodbye, and here's my belly | 17th: Hello, and here's some photos | 20th: And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door | 22nd: Today's weather calls for scattered worries and a chance of wigging right the fuck out | 25th: The Miracle Suit, Fage, and killer bees | 27th: A dessert symphony, with ears


2nd: It's a radio! It's a potato! | 4th: Love the lovely Doppler | 6th: Food porn, but also pretty flowers | 8th: That one time? When I was all crazy from detoxing antidepressants? | 11th: Some kvetching and baby shoes | 14th: My bladder waits for no man, nor ultrasound | 16th: Smelly dog, smelly dog, what are they feeding you? And belly shot! 18th: Keep the placenta out of my mouth, please | 21st: Party foul octopus attack | 22nd: Blue-veined hooters | 25th: Policies and symptoms | 30th: Dopplers for dummies, please


4th: A thrilling breakfast routine | 9th: Hiking and proof our dog would let us burn in our sleep | 11th: Dirty dirty sausage-cam | 14th: Flop-bott software and my night at the goth club | 17th: I dressed for success: as an anaconda digesting a sheep | 18th: Stupid pet tricks, now with 97% more cracker box | 23rd: I'm 31 now, so I have nothing interesting to say | 25th: My big announcement, in which I show you something I peed on | 28th: Cheetos and other cravings


3rd: Smashed Corolla snouts and the fear of sharks | 4th: Back when I... | 5th: And they called it macaroni! | 6th: My car is sad. Also: hoopty | 7th: Pity parties and Macworld prep | 9th: Gone daddy gone, I'm off to Geekapalooza | 16th: Nerd demographics, complete with chart | 17th: Rainfall and severed hands | 20th: My American Idol shame | 22nd: Four stories | 26th: Body shop confusion, orgasm blush! | 30th: "I like it airtight" and lazy weekends | 31st: Hee hee hee hee "NIPPLE" hee hee HAR!



27th: Memey VonMemerton | 28th: The holidays are over, and I got a dirty book for Christmas | 31st: Hangover free on New Year's? Well, that's a first

older entries on diaryland:

Jan 2002 - Dec 2004